(2015) Skookum
Skookum: adjective, Northwest U.S., Canada.
1. large; powerful; impressive.
2. excellent; first-rate.
Most agree that human habitation and early exploration in the north might not have been accomplished without the iconic huskies. For many years they were considered the most dependable transportation in the boundless north and some till this day won’t go into the wilderness without them.
In Canada, the Inuit and First Nations were the leading people to use huskies. Dog sledding is a vanishing way of life although in some regions of the world the tradition continues.
From the new pups to retired veterans; this series includes photographs from several dog teams in the Yukon Territory. All these huskies are or were once working canines and the pups will grow up to replace them.
Thousands of miles are behind them and thousands more ahead during the winter seasons. Some will rely on them for years to come.